
Product Code: Xbox001126

Price: $4.00

The Original Xbox Game Your Selling Should Included: The Game Disc, Case, Manual and Original Artwork to avoid deductions or being rejected.

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Selling Original Xbox Games: Information

Are you looking to sell your Xbox games, but unsure of where to start? Look no further! The Old School Game Vault will certainly help you maximize your profits when selling Xbox games. Whether you are a casual gamer looking to declutter your collection or a serious gamer wanting to profit from your gaming habit. Selling your Xbox games can be a great way to make some extra cash or fund your next gaming adventure.

However, it's important to be strategic in your approach to ensure you get the best possible price for your games. Our database has trade in prices for every single original Xbox game (excluding sports games & other dated games from the library). You'll see we offer very favorable trade in prices for your video games.  So get ready to become a savvy Xbox game seller and maximize your profits with The Old School Game Vault. 

All the Xbox games Should Include: The Case, Manual, Game Disc & Original Art-work
Games Received Either With: Copied Art-work | Generic Art-work | or No Art-Work | Will Be Rejected
Games Received in Loose Condition, "meaning game disc only" | Will Be Rejected
Games Received with: Art-Work & Game Disc, but No Manual will lose 30% of Quoted Value
Xbox Games We Don't Buy: Mainly dated Sports Games, and any other dated games during this genre